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Electrical Substation

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Three people working on the Grand Paris Express – Line 15 South (T2B)

Electrical Substation

The Kikiwa Electrical Substation is located 70km south-west of Nelson. A new substation foundation concrete slab was constructed using Mateenbar™ as its concrete reinforcement.

Advantages in a high voltage environment

Mateenbar™ is non-electromagnetic by nature and electromagnetically neutral so will cause no interference.

Mateenbar™ is 4x lighter than steel. Its light weight allowed for significant savings on delivery to this remote location. Installation and handling also proved to be efficient and cost effective.

GFRP rebar can be installed in any environment where electrical currents and sensitive magnetic equipment is present. Mateenbar™ will provide a 100-year design life-cycle with zero corrosion.

Mateenbar™ was supplied from Pultron’s Gisborne manufacturing facility in New Zealand